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Welcome to the
Soul Purpose System

Soul Purpose reading sacred geometry

What is the Soul Purpose System?

Our souls came to this earthly life with a design or plan for how to enrich our evolution and expansion. The Soul Purpose System is a sacred body of work that brings awareness and specificity to our soul purpose. Each person has a specific, individualized Soul Purpose Blueprint that highlights the gifts, talents, goals and challenges that their soul is focused upon in this life. 


Challenges are gifts that contain gold within them. When we gain a new perspective of our challenges as happening for us, we then reframe that energy into wholeness.

Each person’s unique Soul Purpose Blueprint is based on their exact name at birth. A person’s name is carefully chosen by the soul. It is one of your unique identifiers, just like the time and location of your birth. 


We each have soul specialties that we are here to share, that only we can bring forth. We all have incredible gifts that we long to flow through us as creative energy and self expression. In a reading, you will come to better understand and be able to harness your own unique creative energies to design a life you love.

What to expect from your Soul Purpose Blueprint Reading

When you book a Soul Purpose Blueprint reading, you receive a comprehensive report of your  Soul Purpose Blueprint and a 60-minute reading with me to help you decipher it. During our time together on Zoom, I will share insights, wisdom and practical tips about your soul's design and you will leave with a greater understanding of who you are at soul level. Afterwards, through further exploration of the information I provide in your blueprint, you can continue expanding into what makes you uniquely you.

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