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More about me

My name is Dana, and I have been on an conscious awakening journey of self-realization for most of my life. What that practically means is that I've followed and continue to follow my joy and highest excitement each day. All the fun twists and turns, the new skills I've learned and the tools I've gained all fit together perfectly, as if it is all divinely orchestrated – which it is! 


Broad strokes of my journey include learning and practicing massage therapy, energy healing, BodyTalk, EFT, Access Consciousness & the Bars, yoga teacher training, channeling angels and ascended masters as well as automatic writing, learning and sharing the Soul Purpose System as a Quantum Creation Oracle. I also completed level II of Angel Healing™ as a practitioner and lover of working in partnership with the Angelic Realm.


In my ebook and audiobook LightBridge, Support for Sacred Living, I got the opportunity to bring together and conceptually organize, in one place, the various tools in my toolkit. I'm beginning to understand the power of the elements in our lives, as well as the need to balance the physical and Divine aspects of ourselves. Everything continues to evolve and uplevel! My connection with the Divine and my guides and Spirit Team continue to astonish and tickle me with how beautiful life is and interconnected that we all are. Channeling light-filled messages and sharing inspiration on Facebook and other platforms is a current passionate pursuit, as well as communing in unity (community!) with soul family in the spirit of collaboration. Lastly, I am a huge football and sports fan! 

Dana Pellegrini with golden angel wings
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